Abstract submissions for the Society for Mental Health Research (SMHR) 2024 Conference are now closed. Notifications to authors will be sent out on Monday 2 September.

The theme for SMHR 2024, “Innovation & Inclusivity”. In this year’s conference we hope to showcase a broad range of forward-thinking, dynamic approaches that not only embrace the latest advancements in our field but also ensure these innovations are accessible, relevant, and inclusive to diverse communities and individuals.

If you wish to submit an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Program Committee, you must also intend to register for the Conference. Online submission is the only method of receipt of abstracts.

Key Dates
Abstract submissions open Monday 22 April 2024
Abstract submissions close  Friday 12 July - Now Closed
Authors notified of abstract acceptance Monday 2 September 2024
Authors acceptance deadline Friday 13 September 2024
Early-bird registration close/Presenter registration deadline Monday 30 September 2024
SMHR 2024 Conference Wednesday 6 – Friday 8 November 2024


Authors will be required to indicate their preferred presentation format when submitting an abstract.

  • Please select Symposium if you wish to submit a complete Symposium session. Please have the lead researcher submit all of the abstracts under the one profile
  • Please select Oral Presentation if you wish for your abstract to be considered for a Regular Oral Presentation (typically 12min + 3min questions)
  • Please select Rapid Oral Presentation if you wish for your abstract to be considered for a 5-minute Rapid Oral Presentation.
  • Please select Poster if you wish to be considered for a Poster Presentation.
  • Please select New Ideas if you wish to be considered for a New Ideas Presentation.


There will be five types of presentation formats at the Conference

Combined submission of 4 – 6 individual presentations submitted by one author on behalf of the group and under one common theme. Preference is generally given to symposia that include diverse presenters (i.e. not all speakers from the same research team), ideally comprising speakers from at least two States/Territories/Nations. The time allocated per symposium is generally 60 minutes; session time will be confirmed in the acceptance letters.

Oral Presentations will be notified of their length of presentation time in the acceptance letters. Generally, 10–15 minutes including Q&A.

Abstracts not selected for Oral Presentations may be eligible for a Rapid Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation.

Each Rapid Oral Presentation will be 5 mins in duration, with a brief Q&A following all presentations within the session. Abstracts not selected for Rapid Oral Presentations may be eligible for a Poster Presentation.

A Poster Presentation constitutes a visual display of research projects. The poster must not extend beyond the boundaries of your display board – one display board will be allocated per poster. The poster display will be an integral part of the program with dedicated times for delegates to interact with poster authors and ask questions. Full details of the format and display of Posters will be detailed within acceptance notifications sent to nominated presenting authors.

This year we welcome short presentations discussing new ideas for innovative and inclusive mental health research that is still in development. For example, presentations might include discussions of study protocols that are still under development or research ideas that are yet to be funded. Presenters can use this format to ask the audience for feedback to develop the idea further. Presenters will be notified of the length of presentation time in the acceptance letters, likely 10–15 minutes including Q&A and feedback from a senior researcher.


The SMHR 2024 Conference is seeking abstracts relevant to the following themes:

  • Basic Science
  • Clinical
  • Cognition
  • Epidemiology
  • Genetic/Epigenetics
  • Health Economics
  • Implementation science
  • Neuroimaging
  • Public Health
  • Other
  • Alternative/complementary
  • Biological
  • Physical health
  • Prevention
  • Psychopharmacology
  • Psychosocial
  • Other
  • Adult
  • Child
  • Infant
  • Older adult
  • Perinatal
  • Youth
  • Other
  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse
  • Disability
  • Family
  • Homeless
  • Population-level
  • Refugee
  • Lived experience
  • Accessibility and usability
  • Codesign and consumer-centred technologies
  • Culturally safe digital technologies
  • Equity
  • Other
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Games and gamification
  • Mobile and wearable technologies
  • Digital Health approaches
  • Social media and social networking sites
  • Telehealth
  • User experience (UX) and human-computer interaction
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Web-based interventions
  • New technologies
  • New interventions
  • Other
  • Community
  • Inpatient
  • Primary Care
  • Schools
  • Workplace
  • Outpatient
  • Other
  • Anxiety
  • Eating Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Psychosis
  • Sleep
  • Substance use
  • Suicidal behaviour & self-harm
  • Trauma & stress
  • Other

For 2024 there will be the opportunity to add a secondary theme to your submission this will assist the program committee with allocating your abstract into the program if it is successful.


Abstract submission is a three-step process:

Abstract template: Download the relevant Abstract Template, save to your desktop and complete it. Use the template to present your abstract in the required format. Abstracts submitted not using the correct template will be returned for correction.

  • Text must be in Arial, 10pt font, single-spaced and justified.
  • Your abstract text should follow the specified word limits within the template; excluding references, title and affiliations.
  • There is to be a maximum of two references.
  • Use standard abbreviations only. Within the body of the abstract, when using abbreviations spell out the name in full at the first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
  • Your abstract should clearly, and where applicable, concisely outline the Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
  • After completing the template, move onto step 2.

Creating an account/logging into the Abstract Portal:

  • Firstly, you must create an account in order to upload an abstract. To begin, please click on the submission button above.
  • Once you have done this, and you have not previously submitted an abstract, please click “Create New Account”. Your contact details will be required to create the account. You will then be automatically logged in.
  • Once you have created an account within this portal you can upload the abstract, review the presenter briefing notes when available, register for the Conference and review presenter terms and conditions at any time by logging in.

Submitting your Abstract:

Click on “Submit Abstract” option in the top menu. You will be required to provide the following details prior to uploading the abstract:

  • The Title of your Abstract
  • Presentation Type (preference only)
  • Theme
  • Secondary Theme
  • Name and Organisation of all Co-Presenters and Co-Authors
  • A brief biography of the Presenting Author, the biography should be no more than 100 words
  • Your completed Abstract
Please note:

  • All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be returned to the author and must be re-submitted immediately in the correct format to be considered for inclusion in the program.
  • All fields on the online abstract submission form must be completed; you will not be able to submit an abstract through the portal until all areas are completed.
  • Abstracts that do not include results or state that “results will be presented” may be subject to rejection.
  • If you wish to make changes, edit or replace your existing submitted abstracts you are able to do so until Friday 12 July 2024 by contacting the Program Coordinator via email After this date, abstracts will be published exactly as they are submitted; there will be no opportunity for amendments from the close of abstracts on Friday 12 July 2024.
  • Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author who should complete all fields on the online submission form.
  • Submission of your abstract/s implies you have read, understood and comply with the terms and conditions as outlined in the abstract portal.


The following awards will be available to presenters at the Conference:

  • SMHR Best Student/EMCR* Rapid Fire Presentation Award
  • SMHR Best Consumer or Community-Led Research Presentation Award
  • SMHR Best Student/EMCR* Oral Presentation Award
  • SMHR Best Student/EMCR* Poster Presentation Award
If you wish to be considered in any of the above award categories, you will be asked to do so during the submission process. The judge’s decision is final and prize winners will be announced at the end of the Conference program. 


Please note the details provided as the author contact should be for the nominated main contact for your abstract. All correspondence relating to the submission will be directed to this person, and they should in turn distribute to all co-presenters.


All presenters are required register and pay for the Conference by Monday 30 September 2024 in order for the presentation to be included in the Conference Program.

The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the Conference. Similarly, no presenter fee is paid to successful participants.

All presenters are required register and pay for the Conference no later than Monday 30 September 2024 in order for the presentation to be included in the Conference Program.


For any enquiries regarding abstract submission please contact the Conference Office:

Society for Mental Health Research (SMHR) 2024 Conference Office:

Hannah Walsh
Program Coordinator

119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

SMHR Conference 2024 is organised with the support of the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, Inside Out Institute and the Black Dog Institute


119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311