
Hello and welcome. We are delighted to invite you to Sydney, New South Wales for the 43rd Annual Society for Mental Health Research (SMHR) Conference, to be held at the Sydney Masonic Centre from November 6 – 8th, 2024.  

The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, Inside Out Institute and Black Dog Institute are excited to bring friends and colleagues together to progress the goal of meaningful and impactful mental health research, with a particular focus on our conference theme “Innovation and Inclusivity”. In this year’s conference we hope to showcase a broad range of forward-thinking, dynamic approaches that not only embrace the latest advancements in our field but also ensure these innovations are accessible, relevant, and inclusive to diverse communities and individuals.

Increasingly there is a recognition that while our gold standard mental health treatments work for many people, they do not work for everyone. This is not good enough and we need to find solutions that work for all kinds of people. However, growing recognition that people differ in their biological, psychological and social needs, proliferation of research that includes ‘end-users’ and people with a lived experience of mental illness in research from start to finish and increasing emphasis on ‘precision medicine’ and ‘personalised treatment’ in mental health research brings us a step closer to inclusivity. 

Innovation plays a pivotal role in advancing mental health research by introducing fresh perspectives, methodologies, and solutions to address the complex challenges faced by individuals dealing with mental health issues. Covid lockdowns saw a huge advancement in telehealth and digital mental health platforms, making significant contributions to breaking down barriers to access, reaching diverse populations, and providing timely interventions. The ongoing pursuit of innovative strategies ensures that mental health researchers can adapt to emerging trends, integrate the latest scientific advancements, and ultimately improve the quality of care and support available to people facing mental health challenges.

SMHR is committed to providing a warm, inclusive and supportive environment for researchers, clinicians, practitioners, policy makers, consumers and carers with lived experience to share their research. We invite researchers across a broad multidisciplinary context to contribute, learn, connect and inspire over our common goal to progress mental health research. We encourage individuals from all academic levels and from all backgrounds to submit an abstract for consideration. The Conference will offer opportunities for early and mid-career researchers and students to present their research through a range of free papers, symposia and poster sessions. Travel and carer fellowships, reduced Conference rates and range of accommodation options are available. 

On behalf of the SMHR Executive and Organising Committee, we are delighted to welcome you to SMHR 2024 in stunning Sydney this year. Please spread the word to friends and colleagues. We hope to see you there! 

Louise Thornton (Co-Convener, Matilda Centre for Research on Mental Health and Substance Use)

Kristi Griffiths (Co-Convener, Inside Out Institute)

Gemma Sicouri (Co-Convener, Black Dog Institute)

Professor Stephen Wood (SMHR President)

SMHR Conference 2024 is organised with the support of the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, Inside Out Institute and the Black Dog Institute


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South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
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